Roost Mortgage Brokers Queenstown $5000 Scholarship

Roost Queenstown

We are working with the team at Roost Mortgage Brokers Queenstown on their scholarship campaign. They have $5,000 up for grabs, for someone with a big dream, an adventure or mission. Need help taking that next step? Apply before August 25 at Oh and if it turns out that getting finance for your next […]

NZ Mountain Film Festival

NZ Mountain Film Festival

We just the wrapped up the NZ Mountain Film Festival for 2016. It was a record breaking year with tickets sales through the roof, incredible engagement and some very happy audience members. We had an epic bunch of filmmakers, authors and adventurers to speak this year and the response was incredible. Jolt Marketing takes care […]

Need Creative Inspiration? Take A Walk

We’ve always thought a quick stroll is good for getting our creative juices flowing. Now science proves it. “All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking.” Those were the wise words of philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche in 1889, but the idea seems equally true today. Steve Jobs swore by walking around. And many writers extol the […]

Thinking, Fast and Slow.

If you are looking for a good book to get stuck into, this is a doozy. Kahneman explains how we think in two ways, the first he refers to as System 1 which is fast, intuitive, automatically, associative, quickly with not much control. The second, System 2, is slow, deliberate and takes work. The rub […]